Canada Canada
Dr. Zeubin Irani is a family physician practicing in Montreal Canada in both official languages of French and English.
She studied in Biology obtaining her BSc in English and then went on to do her medical degree in French.
She is the mother of three sons whom she raised with pride.
Her life has been dedicated to helping her patients gain a better understanding of their physical and mental health.
Taking care of children is her passion to such an extent that she overcame her shyness and co-hosted a weekly French television show, “” La Marmaille” to guide and counsel young parents.
Tackling the social difficulties of her patients and the challenges of many new immigrants is a thrilling part of her practice.
She continues to enjoy a faculty lecturer appointment as a preceptor and small group leader for McGill University and thus mentors the young first year medical students.
She has long been involved in a committee organizing and chairing Continuing Medical Education for her peers at McGill. These events kept CME relevant and improved health car for all patients.