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Thirty Engineer is a visionary, researcher and lover of the extraordinary, the exquisite and exceptional. She discovered her life work only after cataclysmic life events in her forties.
She pioneered the use of Biofeedback Imaging in the United Kingdom in 1992, Biolumanetics and the Luminator in 1995 and the Monocrom Light/Colour Dome and the Monochord Sound/Music Table in 1998.
Thrity’s special interest in consciousness technologies led her to the creation of the Supercoherence Return to Love Frequencies, which can be described as 21st century tools for healing and transformation.
She is the founder of the Supercoherence System, which combines the Sacred, the Subtle and the Scientific.
Thrity is the author of two books- “Supercoherence – The 7th Sense” and “‘Supercoherence- The Return To Love”.
She lives in the UK, works closely with her daughter Meher and is actively involved in running the Supercoherence Transformation Program.