A Call to Gather in Prayer and Reflection
Be Joyous and Free in Community

Join us to pray in community in a series of 4 weekly sessions, to immerse in and learn the two basic and most energetically vibrant Zoroastrian prayers:
Ashem Vohu & Yatha Ahu
Together we will pray, meditate, reflect, and experience first hand the impact of bringing these prayers to our lives. By learning to recite the ancient way, immersing in the ageless melodies, we find our way to the “House of Songs”.
When: 4 Sundays:
October 23rd – November 13th
Time: 7 PM, PST
Where: Zoom
Cost: Free
All levels of knowledge and experience are welcomed.
To Register click below:
Short Meditation
Listening to a verse of the Gathas or Avesta
Introducing prayer of the week
Reciting in group
Journaling and reflecting individually
Reflecting collectively
What to bring:
Online Zoom access
Quiet/distract-free environment
Pen and paper
Candle or any source of light
Open mind and heart
Four Week Overview
Week 1&2 Ashem Vohu
Week 3&4 Yatha Ahu
** In between the sessions, it is recommended that participants recite the selected prayers and journal for a minimum of 5-10 min. Sharing the experience during the gathering is encouraged but not required.